
. Follow me on bloglovin'

So I'm sure by now everyone has heard that google is getting rid of GFC.  Bloglovin' is a great way to still be able to follow all of the blogs you love to read! If you haven't checked it out yet I would really recommend it, they also make it super easy to bring over all of the blogs you follow on google over to their site(it literally took me 30 seconds). 

Check Bloglovin' out HERE


If you'd like you can Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Ps: send me you bloglovin' links in the comments below!


  1. I followed you! Here's my link! http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/4880723

  2. not GFC but Google reader,as far I know you can still use GFC and read from the home page

    1. GFC is connected to Google Reader, a lot of us use Google Reader to read blogs that we follow through GFC. Unfortunately blogger dashboard is not mobile friendly therefore making it hard to catch up on all the blogs we follow through gfc (you can only read from the home page if you are using an actual computer and not mobile like phone). Eventually I think GFC will be removed because google wants people to use Google+ more.

    2. very sad indeed, I understand now, I normally use my laptop to read posts.... I like more GFC than Bloglovin...but I'll get use to

  3. Following - Please check out my blog and follow my back www.corynleebeauty.blogspot.com.au


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